Soft skills are growing their importance year by year. Nowadays, interpersonal skills are the most requested attitude for a workplace. The only problem is that these kinds of abilities are not easy to develop and to analyse because soft skills are varied and are not clearly defined.
Read moreCurrently, the significance of soft skills in the world of work and in recruitment processes is recognised. Today, soft skills are not only a plus in a job application but are more and more considered as a key factor for professional success. They are even referred to as 'employability skills’.
Read moreSoft skills are gaining importance and both employers and employees agree about that. However, there is a great mismatch between the skills of young people entering the labour market and the skills sought. That’s why the BEGIN project team conducted research among the target groups of the project to identify the skills of the present, as well as respondents’ expectations of future changes.
Read moreThe desire to increase the quality and effectiveness of higher education leads University teachers to question the activities to offer to the students of their course, in addition to intellectual stimuli and operational experiences.
Read moreINTRODUCTION The universities involved in the BEGIN project, in particular the Luiss Guido Carli - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome (LUISS) and the Higher School of Agribusiness in Lomza (WSA), actively ...
Read moreINTRODUCTION It is very common to hear about the difficulty of getting hired for new graduate students who do not have job experience. This kind of situation represents a failure for schools and in particular for the universities that cannot properly train ...
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